Friday, 26 February 2010

Few are the times when glamour/fashion photography awakens my interest and eye but sometimes I happen to come across "glamourish" jeweleries that make my sorry-ass student photographer soul to say "Ohhhh, I wanna do that too". (cuz it's so pretty. pretty darn good). Today is the case. Jean-Francois Lepage is utterly awesome in his cold-edged fashion photography and will definitely add him on my personal list of favourite photographers. He kind of reminds me of a surrealist Lorca diCorcia with a bit of a Terry Richardson twist here and there. Enjoy!

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Steven Tynan - Willy Wonka and the Photography Factory

Right before I say what I have to say (tautology is funny when it's funny) I would rather state the evidence first and then try to develop a relatively nice discourse, eh? So, here it goes: Now, I know what most people would say (duh!): "OMG, is that like a nude old disgusting man taking photos of him and his willy?" And yes, you are right. Still... Today the westphoto team had a brief discussion about Steve Tynan and his photographic series and although most of us felt like it's a little bit "too much", we could not find a valid reason NOT to like it or as to say totally hate it. I personally like his works in a sense that arouses (i don't think i should actually say "arouse" in this context) lots of mixed feelings. This self-made caricature man has probably achieved one of his main goals and that is to shock and provoke and obviously it kinda hits you in the face and gut. Leaving that aside, if you do have this power, it is interesting enough to find beauty and aesthetic bliss in these, altogether with little personal stories of un/happiness that can come together and create fantastic meanings. For all these, I am extremely curious what lecturers and arts professors would say about him. I would really like to see him discussed, teared apart, loved or just mentioned. Of course, something else than "omg, he's disgusting, i dont wanna look at his pictures". Which is shallow and boring and it means you are a stupid spoiled brat and I don't wanna talk to you. (Ahahah, I'm kidding! Actually, no, I'm not.) I have the feeling that these series are aimed mostly at those who have enough openness and gut to look and analyze the photos from various positions and levels and I'm seriously looking forward to others opinion. I featured him in this blog in the hopes of creating interesting discussions about it. Who knows, it may actually energize your inspirational juices for future projects. So, if you feel like stating something about Steve Tynan, please feel free to comment upon. Anything is welcome. (except "yo' mamma" jokes, i really luv my mom). PS: the first picture kind of reminds me of this. Visit his on-line gallery here.

How to avoid camera loss.

Because this is mainly a photography blog, it might come in handy for all those dreamy photographers out there to actually share this topic about "How to avoid camera loss". In fact, such a blessed idea comes from Andrew McDonald and his witty humour to help us manage more of our equipment, (probably) due to nights of heavy drinking, never-ending hangovers or just busy times when your mind is more than in one place. Please visit his "How to avoid camera loss" for further guidance. And next time when this happens, you might wanna pay more attention to your stuff. I'm just saying! :D

Thursday, 4 February 2010


Creating a new blog for whatever cause, message or idea is always confronted with the problem of "what's lucky post no.1?" Obviously, this is the case here. In the name of the new born blog, the westPhoto Picture Agency team wish you a warm welcome and happy browsing through the marvelous pictures that will follow shortly. Photo: Tomas Hein